
Women in Solstad

In Solstad we are committed to
equal opportunities.

2nd Officer Jânua Oliveira onboard Far Scotsman

Equal opportunity is a
priority in Solstad

As part of our Sustainability Program, we have a dedicated group of personnel working towards gender balance and encouraging more women to join our company. The work is based on measurement, transparency and visibility.

Setting targets is the first step towards change. At the start of our diversity journey Solstad had 5 % women offshore and 42 % onshore, whereof 23 % of managers onshore were female when our target was set. Our goal is to increase number of female seafarers to 10 % and female managers onshore to 30 % by 2030.

Targets 2030

Gender balance is a part of our ESG leading indicators for the company.

Women in Solstad Ambassadors

The internal project team consists of leaders focusing on diversity and encouraging equal opportunities throughout the company.

The project has great Ambassadors in all parts of the organization. Meet some of our inspiring colleagues below.

WIS Ambassador

Career, parenthood or both?

Juggling a career and parenthood is not always smooth sailing. 2nd Officer, Karen Sampaio offered to share her experience on how she made it possible.

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Picture_Deck Officer Karen and her daughter Luna

WIS Ambassador

Excellent seafarers

Captain Domenico Rodrigues onboard Far Sagaris share his story on how his view of female seafarers has changed tremendously through his career. Today he is one of the Company’s key ambassadors in giving everyone equal opportunities!

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Ch. Off Silvia, 2nd Offs Susanne and Gabriela and Captain Domenico Rodrigues onboard Far Sagaris

WIS Ambassador

Monica Menezes

She has inspired many with her story “Journey to the top” in becoming our first female Captain in the Brazilian fleet, which she held at our first Global Women in Solstad Conference in 2021.

Monica graduated with a degree in Nautical Science and holds a Postgraduate degree in Oil&Gas Business, Finance and Private Banking.

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Captain Monica Menezes

WIS Ambassador

Lars Peder Solstad

We have many strong role models already in our fleet and in our offices and they are very active to market “life at sea” and what career opportunities there are for women in the company.

To reach our goal, it requires leadership, willingness and targeted work when recruiting and when promoting.

Brazil is where we have the highest number of female seafarers and also in operational and commercial positions onshore. This is a result of dedicated work over a long period and it shows good results. We seek to share the knowledge from Brazil to other parts of our global organization to learn and improve.

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WIS Ambassador

Per Stange

Our ambition is to have an increased share of women in Solstad and offshore in particular. We want to be an attractive and preferred employer for women who is looking for a maritime career.

We promote not only the possibility to make a career as a seafarer, but also the interesting opportunities you have for an onshore career with maritime and operational experience. There are numerous opportunities both offshore and onshore in Solstad.

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Per Stange

WIS Ambassador

Daryl Enriquez

The Women in Solstad project is very purposeful for me as this supports my personal vision of a diverse working environment. A strong stand from the Company to adapt diversity is very significant to drive change because this also empowers employees and crew members to support each other’s growth and to see beyond gender, age, nationality, culture and beliefs. As a result, we create a safe, healthy and a productive working environment for all.

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In ROV Hangar – Sentinel

WIS Ambassador

Olaug Hillesland

Being an ambassador for #womeninsolstad includes to learn about the various career paths, meet great colleagues and discover the many talents we have in the company. As a Solstad employee, we all work to deliver services beyond expectation to our clients. We have over 50 nationalities onboard and onshore working towards this goal.

I am confident that when we measure ourselves on gender balance and set bold targets for improvement, we will become even more attractive as an employer.

Join us in becoming an ambassador for equal opportunities either by signing in as described below or simply by ensuring your contribution to an open and inclusive work environment where you are.

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Olaug Hillesland

Join us as Ambassadors

In Solstad we work for an environment free for bias and discrimination. Our main focus is competence and equal opportunities for all. We define this as an opportunity to build a career in our company in a safe and inclusive working environment.

If you want to join us in promoting an inclusive environment use the #womeninsolstad tag or send in your thoughts and suggestions to contact@solstad.com marked with WIS.

SHE Index

Solstad has participated in the SHE Index – powered by EY, since 2019. The Index highlights the overall diversity and inclusion aspects of organizations beyond gender.

The reason for our involvement in the SHE index is twofold:

What is measured can also be changed and transparency supports our commitment to an inclusive working environment both onboard and onshore.

Index score

*Offshore and Onshore included under one score

In 2021 our offshore score increased by 9 points while onshore reduced by 2 points. We see improvements but there is still a way to go in achieving our set targets for 2030.